


アイルランドの天気予報、気候私たちの天気アプリへようこそ - 複数の言語のオフラインモードとサポート!6日間3時間の期間ごとに予測のApp現在詳細な天気、ベースの12日と30日の長期天気予報の毎日の天気アーカイブデータに関する。位置については正確で地元の予測は、世界中、今お使いのデバイスでオフラインで作業することができます。旅行や山のハイカーのための最高のアプリ!アプリはに関する情報を詳細に現在の天気を示しています。- 条件- 夜、夜と朝で最小&最大温度- 湿度- 圧力- 風速- 雲がカバー- 日の出と日没- 一日の長さ
Welcome to our weather app - with offline mode and support for multiple languages!App present detailed weather forecast per 3 hour periods for 6 days, daily weather for 12 days and 30 days long term weather forecast basedon archive data. Accurate and local forecasts for locations worldwide, now can work offline in your device. Best app for traveler and mountain hikers!App shows detailed current weather with information about: - conditions - min & max temperature at night, evening and morning - humidity - pressure - wind speed - clouds cover - sunrise and sunset - length of the day
App can work in offline mode, weather forecast can be viewed offline, after data is cached. You can use this weather app without data roaming and hidden costs!
Please note that hikersbay app provide data created by community. If you think that we're publishing incomplete or incorrect data let us know by clicking "report incorrect data' below the contested information.
DisclaimerThis app is created to providing the most comprehensive information about traveling to other countries. However, it does not guarantee100% accuracy of data. We do not accept responsibility for any loss or damage that you suffer as a result of using this mobile app.Authors do not accept responsibility - including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, business interruption, loss of programs or information, and the like.